Planetary Healing
A meaningful relationship recently came to an end. I felt lost and unsure about how to move forward so I looked to the heavens for assistance. I decided to commit myself to a week of planetary healing. The seven classical planets (those objects that can be seen with the naked eye) have a corresponding day of the week.
Here is how each day I worked with the corresponding planet, its archetypal energy and its emotional resonance to help me process.
Moon’s Day - Monday
The Moon represents emotions, those deep currents inside all of us. The way I tapped into this energy was simple, I lit a white candle and sat down to feel. It was exactly what I needed to do. I’d been trying to ‘move on’ and be ‘over it’ but in reality I’m not ready for that. After a few days of tumultuous emotional seas I needed to sit down and address the origin of the storm. I sat, I cried, I let go of all the stories I was telling myself to minimize the pain and I was just sad. That was my job, to swim in the sorrow, to let it be seen, let it be heard and let it be felt. Am I done being sad now? No. But I’m done trying to rewrite the story to make myself feel better about the ending.
If you need to feel your feelings the Moon is there to support you. If sitting and feeling isn’t your style, get to the sea, hydrate, take a bath, watch a movie that helps you tap into your emotions, or just look at the moon.
Mars’ Day
- Tuesday
Mars is a planet of action, fire, passion and anger. I’ll be honest, I expected to get angry. I thought I would smash a few things and burn a few more (in a healthy and safe way). That’s not what happened. Mars was here to help me think about the future. I was filled with the desire to take action, to move in the direction of my future goals and that is exactly what I did. I worked on my career goals, I cleared out a garden space I’d been putting off for months. Both actions donw without doubting or overthinking. None of these were actions to repair or release the past, instead they helped me to passionately declare that I have a future I’m excited to live.
If you want some Mars energy in your life, eat spicy food, (I made a sharp and sweet, ginger simple syrup), MOVE anyway you want but do something big or small that is active, wear red and feel anger without guilt. More on positive a relationship to anger -
Mercury’s Day - Wednesday
Mercury is the planet of communication, magic, swiftness and a little bit of mischief. Yesterday was all about speaking the truth and to my surprise hearing the truth. I like to have a plan, I mean I’ve created a structured healing journey for myself. But on Mercury’s day my plans aren’t his concern. I thought I’d be processing the relationship that sparked this journey, but was gifted a chance to address something different. I got an unexpected message, I was able to clearly see the truth of the matter and act accordingly.
The action - I wrote the letter that I never plan to send. In therapy I learned that you can’t control if you are heard, you can only control what you say. So I wrote the letter with the things I needed to say. I read it aloud and Mercury was listening. I spoke my truth and it was powerful. It might not have been the truth I expected to speak but it was the truth that needed to be spoken. So thank you Mercury for your mischief and clarity!
If you want some help communicating check in with Mercury! Let yourself be a little bit of everything for a moment, make swift decisions, and seek variety.
Jupiter’s Day - Thursday
Jupiter is the planet of abundance, and expansion. He unapologetically enjoys the riches life has to offer and is not afraid to take up space. I woke up Thursday tired, over-extended, emotionally and mentally exhausted. I worried that I wouldn’t be able to take advantage of Jupiter's energy! But I got the message - Sometimes you need to rest abundantly in order to be present for the expansion. So that is what I did, I unapologetically took care of myself. I took a lovely bath at 8:30 in the morning. I let my body and mind rest! I made banana muffins and ate them warm with butter. As I rested and let myself enjoy the present moment, I was gifted some inspiration on building abundance joyfully.
If you need some Jupiter vibes - eat rich foods with lots of deep spices, or fruit with lots of seeds or bananas. Be present for the expansive joy filled life you currently are living, even if those moments seem few and far between. I don’t know if Jupiter would like this but I think of him as the ghost of Christmas present from the Muppet’s Christmas Carol, so big he hardly fits in a room. He is full of light, laughter and has no doubt that the next day will bring him more of the same.
Venus’ Day - Friday
Venus is love, beauty, art and connection. I woke up yesterday with a huge amount of self compassion. So often when something goes awry with friends, colleagues, family, or partners my first thought is “What did I do wrong?” “What could I have done better?” I diverge a river of blame onto myself. So to wake up and feel the weight of blame dissipate was such a gift. Without the weight on my shoulders I could look up from my feet and see that I wasn’t to blame. In fact there isn’t any blame to be had, things happened for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
To bring more Venus into your life, spend time in green spaces or with art, dance, and self care. A small note about self care. The term has become synonyms with spa days and indulgences. If that is truly how you fill your bucket, great. But when I say self care I mean the little things. Maybe it’s an uninterrupted cup of coffee and your favorite true crime podcast, or blasting your music and singing along even if the neighbors can hear, or it could be as simple as changing your sheets so they are fresh for you when you go to bed that night. Venus guides us to love ourselves in the ways that are unique to us.
Saturn’s Day - Saturday
Saturn is the planet of boundaries, foundations and responsibility. I’ll admit I’m a little intimidated by Saturn energy. The messages I get from Saturn always feel a little harsh.That said even though they come with a tough outer coating they are a gift. Saturday I reflected on the past 2yrs and how much of my life has changed. The catalyst of that change was the harsh truth Saturn helped me to face. I was numb, exhausted, unhappy and out of touch with myself. That shocking revelation spurred two years of hard work that has brought me into better alignment. Right now I’m again being handed a hard pill to swallow. Taking a moment yesterday to be grateful and to recognize that I have and will again, be able build the foundations to support my growth and goals.
Saturn is a bit of a task master. We get the messages of hard work, determination and production from society but those messages can often be divorced from working towards an aligned goal. I find that connecting with Saturn is most fruitful when I’m focusing my determination on goals that are aligned with my desires and not external expectations.
Sun’s Day - Sunday
The Sun is joy, brilliance, self and also physical health. I have a confession to make, mostly to myself but also to all of you. I often try to understand my way out of my ‘messier’ feelings. I think, if I can gather all the intel, process all the data and clearly understand the issue, then the way I feel will lessen. I’d hoped that after a week of analyzing the situation, and my feelings about it I would reach Sunday and be filled with joy and light. I’d be ready to shine anew. Instead I cried… a lot. And that’s OKAY! (I have to keep telling myself this, and decouple the shame I associate with being sad.)
This does not devalue the work I did this week. I uncovered, processed and addressed my feelings. I feel more connected to myself and spiritually full. But just like understanding where a rainstorm comes from does not prevent the rain, understanding why it sucks doesn't take away the suck. Part of the reason I shame myself for my feelings is out of fear, I fear I will be stuck being sad forever, this is where the Sun chimed in. The Sun is always shining, even behind those rain clouds the Sun shines effervescently. I don't have to see the sun or even feel it to know that it is there. This is remarkably cliche, I know, but it helped. So as I move forward I’ll be the rainstorm, releasing what needs to be released so that when it's time the sun can shine again.
If you want Sun vibes in your life, play like a child, eat citrus, laugh loudly, add cinnamon to your coffee and blind people with your brilliance.
With Love,